Workshop on Microgrid Technology and Applications

The Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in collaboration with New York StateEnergy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), hosted a Workshop on Microgrid Technology and Applications. The workshop was organized around four sessions over two half days. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome (12:30-12:40pm)

Jian Sun, Director of CFES and Chair of the Workshop

Keynote Address (12:40-1:15pm)

Audrey Zibelman, Chair, New York State Public Service Commission

Session A – Microgrid and Infrastructure Resiliency (1:15-3:15pm)

Session Chair: Kevin Sullivan, Microgrid and Infrastructure Resiliency (DNV KEMA Americas)

  1. Microgrid and Infrastructure Resiliency, Stuart Nachmias, Con Edison New York
  2. Non-Synchronous Microgrids for Resiliency and Utility Integration, Shalom Flank, Pareto Energy LTD
  3. Commercial Buildings, The Connected Microgrid - Creating the Building Operating System, Artie Kressner, Grid Connections, LLC
  4. Large Urban Microgrids: The Case for Joint Development by Utilities and Independent Developers, Dirk van Ouwerkerk, Anbaric Power
  5. Microgrids for the Department of Defense, Scott VanBroekhoven, MIT Lincoln Labs

Break (3:15-3:30pm)
Session B – Enabling Technology and Applications (3:30-5:30pm)
Session Chair: Steven Glover, Sandia National Laboratories

  1. Secure Scalable Microgrids, Steven Glover, Sandia National Lab
  2. Communication and Control for Optimal Energy Efficiency, Rui Zhou, GE Global Research Center
  3. Battery Energy Storage for MIcrogrids, Martin Becker, Princeton Power Systems
  4. Stabilizing and Maximizing Renewables Using a Flywheel-Inverter System, William Galton, ABB USA
  5. Dynamic Microgrid Stability and Control, Jian Sun, RPI

Reception (5:30-6:30pm)

Friday, October 11, 2013
Continental Breakfast (7:00-8:00am)
Session C – Policy and Regulatory Issues (8:00-10:00am)
Session Co-Chairs: Thomas Bourgeois (PACE University) and Gerald Stokes (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

  1. Microgrids: A New Paradigm, Michael Worden, New York State Department of Public Service
  2. Microgrids in Connecticut: The Nation’s First Statewide Microgrid Program, Alex Kragie, Connecticut Department Energy & Environmental Protection
  3. Utility Measures in Deploying Optimal Microgrids, Tim Roughan, National Grid
  4. Microgrids: A Developers Perspective, Tim Daniels, Hudson Energy Development

Break (10:00-10:15am)
Session D – Opportunities for New York (10:15am-12:15pm)
Session Chair: Michael Razanousky New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)

  1. Microgrids/Smartgrids, Michael Razanousky, NYSERDA
  2. Market Opportunities, Rob Pike, New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
  3. The Heart of a Microgrid, Dana Levy, NYSERDA
  4. Microgrids in New York: Short Term Priorities and Action Steps,James Gallagher, New York State Smart Grid Consortium
  5. The Devils (and Angels) in the Details, Margarett Jolly, Con Edison New York


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